Meet The Team

Meet the owner: Mark Davidson, a retired set designer working with several Hollywood movie studios over the years. His last film was Top Gun: Maverick. Living in California made it difficult to watch over the train station, but he relied on neighbors to inform him and handle certain tasks as they came up, and he would visit as often as possible. Since retirement Mark has moved to Lockport, NY. Restoring the Lockport Station is his main focus. You can see him often removing trees or brush, picking up bricks or covering up graffiti. 4 and a half million dollars is a big number to reach and every day the struggle continues. In the photo above a nasty windstorm collapsed this trackside peak (all of this limestone has to be replaced). Mark's dedication to the building and its restoration is impressive. When complete the building will become a functioning train station once again with banquet facilities, a museum, a park-like setting outside with historic kiosks.
Brian Angevine - Railroad Historian
Michael Weber - Commercial Artist
Jessica Dirks - Communications Manager